Sunday, August 07, 2011

Mackay, Idaho

Jim and I had plans to go to my brother, Stephen's, house before we went to Colorado Springs. Julie called and said, "Does this mean that you won't be able to come? I hope not." In fact, that trip became even more significant that we had thought it would be and it provided some healing, at least for me. It was a quick trip -- not nearly long enough but it was still peaceful and wonderful.

The last time I saw my brother, he had a huge white beard and gray hair. He lets it grow out over the winter (to help with warmth, he claims) and then he shaves everything off in the summertime.

These pictures are randomly entered here - not in order at all. The photo below is of Pass Creek Canyon. Stephen and Julie took us up this canyon.

They had a winter, spring and summer like we have had - a lot of cool weather and lots of rain as evidenced by the green growth. The morning was very chilly and Wes said, "Well, fall has arrived."

The benches below are on the side of Stephen's yard. The Lost River runs to the side and back of their yard. Julie and Stephen were in the midst of moving to this place when Tessa died. Julie said that one morning she went out to the benches and just sat and listened to the river and let the Spirit comfort her. She said, "I thought to myself, 'The Lord knew exactly where to place me.'" I, too, spent a little time sitting on this bench alone letting the sound of the river calm me as the breeze blew through my hair. I could feel the presence of God very close by.

At the top of Pass Creek Canyon, you can see the Continental Divide. The large blue mountains in the background are the border between Idaho and Montana.

This log fence surrounds Stephen's property.


Jason said...

I miss Idaho.

Dave and Tana said...

Looks so pretty!!! Not the view I remember from Rexburg...

chelsey said...

Nice pictures! Looks like everyone had a good time!

Mike and Adrianne said...

I love the picture of the log fence. I've thought of Steven and Julie and their entire family since this has happened. Even though I haven't seen a lot of them in my life, I have always loved their family. I'm glad you were able to go and visit with them.

Seth and Natalie said...

I grew up near Rexburg, and it has a different kind of beauty. A flattish kind. It's so mountainy and beautiful here, with the best sunsets ever. I really wish we could have spent more time with you guys, Rylee really liked Ammon and told her other grandma she met a guy with the same name as the guy who cuts off arms. One of the many great things that came out of me marrying Seth is getting to know all his family, I have really really liked everyone.