Thursday, April 07, 2011

something to fill the space up

Well, it's been kind of slow on this blog so I thought I'd write something today. I'm just shy of 36 weeks. The ultrasound says I turn 36 weeks tomorrow but we go by my due date so I change on Sunday.

Just for a reference, Isaac was born at 36 weeks. I don't think she will come that early. I personally think I was probably dehydrated when I went into labor with Isaac--it was a hot, hot summer in Oklahoma.

Eli came at 37 weeks. I wouldn't mind her coming at 37 weeks if she is all done cooking but I do not want her coming on Eli's birthday--which is next Friday.

This is totally inappropriate to put on a public blog but the doctor told me to not do those things that bring on know what I'm talking about...until I am closer to 37 weeks.

But come next Sunday, if the weather is good, I'll be going on lots of walks and Mike will be a happy husband. Either way, they will not let me go past 39 weeks so our little girl will be joining our family in just over three weeks. That's pretty crazy to think about. I don't think I'm ready. I am ready for all the gestational diabetes junk to be over so in that case, I hope she comes early but otherwise, I am feeling well. I have lots of contractions but nothing to be too concerned about. I average about a contraction every 20 minutes. It's been this way for a long time though (at least two months) so I'm used to it.

Anyway, you all will have a little cousin, neice, granddaughter, in about three weeks.


gillian said...

I cant WAIT!!!!!!!!

gillian said...

btw- my sister in law lisa did those 'things' and it started her contractions the other day... not good. haha

The Duke said...

I'm so excited to meet this little girl! And I'm excited for you that this part of the journey is almost over. Whew....
Take care of yourself.

Michelle said...

I hope she comes soon and not on Eli's birthday. You have done so well with the gestational diabetes. Best of luck with having her early.