Saturday, April 23, 2011


Rain is predicted for every day this week. We had one partly sunny day this week (it was still pretty cold) and the rest were rainy. We are under a flash flood warning, which I'm not too worried about but those rivers and lakes are extremely high. I need to have this baby so I can move to somewhere sunny...

P.S. I finally updated my Family Home Evening blog. We had a fun Family Home Evening lesson this week involving choices and cookies.


The Duke said...

Well, I don't know that the West would be any better. We had snow on the car and roofs yesterday morning and it was really cold all day long. We have rain predicted all week long, too.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Yeah, but how long will that snow last? I predict it will melt in a day. That doesn't happen here because at least you guys get a respite with a little sun from time to time.

Alyssa said...

:( but at least it isn't snow.

Jess and Jen said...

Adrianne, I am excited for you to move. -Jess

Mike and Adrianne said...

Jess, so I'll stop complaining about it right?! ;)

Jess and Jen said...

No, so you can be happier! It's obvious the Ohio weather and you don't get along at all, so hopefully the move to Colorado Springs will do you good. We are excited to see you in your new environment in a few months when we come to visit.

(By the way: it's overcast, dreary, and actually a bit chilly with the wind today. As Mom said, things aren't exactly peaches and cream out here over the last month.)

LanceandNance said...

Have mike get a job at MacDill.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Jess, you are right. Was it like this in Indiana because I don't remember it like this? Imagine that dreary, overcast weather you are having this month as being the normal. It gets old really fast for me. My sister in law lives in North Dakota and I don't think I could handle that either. I remember not liking the humid, hot weather in Oklahoma all the time either. I guess it's always greener on the other side. I'm sure I'll find something about Colorado weather I don't like--perhaps the lack of rain? Anyway, it's sad really, because the weather is the only part of Ohio I dislike but the weather plays such a large part of what your daily activities are that it's hard to get past it for me. I need to find a place that has some rain, some snow, but mostly just nice, non-humid, weather all year round. Anyone know a place like that?

I'm excited to see you guys soon too.

Lance, what's MacDill?

Michelle said...

Ohio has always had bummer weather for as long as I can remember. I lived there from age 12 to 18. I never liked Ohio, but that was because I loved Illinois and was mad that we were moving to Ohio at age 12, so I didn't have a good attitude. I only remember weather being decent in the summer and that's about it.

Jess and Jen said...

MacDill is an Air Force base in Florida. I went to their home page and saw this on the sidebar: "Hurricane season is fast approaching. Anticipate an above-average probability of United States and Caribbean major hurricane landfall." I'd stay away.

Sunshine is great, but I burn so easy I actually really enjoy an overcast day. Of course, I don't get them every day. I don't remember Indiana being bad. The humidity was horrible, and the storms incredible, but there weren't many things I disliked about Indiana. -Jess

LanceandNance said...

Oh, c'mon... grow up Jess.

Dave and Tana said...
