Saturday, April 16, 2011

No Stroke

Yesterday Jim finally decided he had better go in and see the doctor because the paralysis on the left side of his face seemed to be getting a little worse. The doctor was not happy that he had waited for 3 days before going in, but after examining him, the doctor thought this was maybe Bell's Palsey rather than a stroke. He sent Jim over to the hospital to get an MRI just to make sure and the doctor's diagnosis was correct. Jim did not have a stroke. To say that we are both relieved puts it mildly although there is no guarantee that permanent damage could not have occurred. I believe Jason had this a few years ago and I had it several years ago but mine only lasted about 3 days total and it was very minor. I hadn't even considered this simply because we are so used to Jim's TIAs. Most of the time all symptoms disappear within a few days or a few weeks. Jim's biggest difficulty, of course, is talking. He is very slurry and sounds like he has marbles in his mouth, especially when he says words with an "s" in it. He also has difficulty opening his mouth very wide so eating is a little problematic unless it's with small bitefuls. He can't spit or whistle, either. We are very hopeful that symptoms will diminish quickly and we're very grateful that this was not a stroke. I thought I had better give you an update to put your minds at ease.


chelsey said...

That's good to know he didn't have a stroke! Hopefully, dad will be able to recover quickly and completely. Hang in there dad!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Oh good! I hope that you will see a fast recovery. Love you!

Jason said...

Even if it is only Bell's, I would keep a close watch on the symptoms. If they continue to get worse, Dad should immediately go back to the Doc and get a referral to a good ENT. The ongoing inflammation of the facial nerve can lead to permanant damage. An ENT will be able to tell if Dad will need to have the nerve decompressed - something most family docs just won't know.

Also, keep in mind that Bell's can last 6 months or more. I was fortunate that mine only lasted 3 weeks but I have a friend who went the about 5 or 6 months and one of my friend's wife is still suffering from permanant damage nearly 2 years after the initial presentation.

Having said all that, I am grateful that it was not a stroke.