Hey Fam- I wrote this on my blog as well, but I wanted to post it here too. We really do need all the help we can get with stories sent to her blog. We also want to get followers and help her platform grow throughout the community. We think we can get others to pass on the service if we can just remind them to write about the ones they have experienced. Her platform is awesome, she is keeping it centered on service with 3 main points to it- raising cancer awareness in the community by getting people involved in make a wish and other fundraising events, helping and visiting the elderly in the community, and giving others wholesome hobby's to help serve others. She really has worked so hard on this and I honestly think she is going to win. I went shopping with her and her mom last night and found a beautiful interview outfit. Her dad was my anesthesiologist when I got my Gal Bladder out too- they are the nicest people in the world! Please if you could just take 5 minutes to write a short story of service and email it to her, that would help us out so much. I got so lucky to have gotten her because we are already so close and know each other so well. I think this will be a great experience for me. (Especially since she isn't vain and doing this for the wrong reasons.) Thanks! Here is what I wrote on my blog:
I am a hostess for miss Rachel Fitzgerald this year for the miss Salem pageant. Her platform is centered on Service and we have set up a blog for her to share her stories of service she has experienced. We are looking for others to send her stories of service they have experienced.
PLEASE help her out and support her by following her blog at: http://salemcityservice.blogspot.com/ and emailing her stories of service! rachyfitz6@gmail.com.
The stories can be as simple as someone letting you sit with them at lunch, or someone cleaning off the snow on your car. Please help us out and do this. It will not only benefit her, but it will benefit you because while writing it up for her, you will be reminded how great service makes you feel. I will be sending her many stories I have experienced and hope you will do the same.
I will send a story when I have time. I don't know when it will be, but I'll get to it. But, I don't think I'll follow because I don't follow blogs very often.
I sent you a couple via e-mail. If she wants to use them, she can but I won't post them on her blog.
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