Saturday, March 05, 2011

Our weather report

When I talk about the grey here, you all probably think I am exaggerating. I am not. We have had a lot of snowy days (less than last year) and now we are getting a lot of rain. We do not get snow like Utah. You guys get dumped on with huge amounts of snow and then the sun comes out and gets rid of it all. That is not the case here. It snows maybe for days on end with no let up but the snow is just a constant flurry. Sometimes we get dumped but not usually. It just lasts for days. Now it is raining for days. I don't know if you have heard but all 88 counties in Ohio are under a flood watch or warning. We live in between two rivers and they are both over their banks and flooding the surrounding fields. That was a few days ago and it has been raining since then. Our back yard has huge puddles on the porch and grass. It is one sloppy mess. I think most of the flooding has occurred so far in Northwest Ohio. So, that's our weather report. Mike said he thought it was supposed to rain all week but I have not looked at the forcast so I don't know if it has changed or not.

On Monday I am teaching the co-op and we are learning about rainbows, shadows, and the saying about coming in like a lion and out like a lamb. It seems appropriate for our current weather and I'm hoping the end of March does go out like a lamb.

What are you all experiencing as far as weather goes?


The Duke said...

This has been a hard winter this year because the snow has never left. Today I saw the edges of my lawn for the first time since December. It was so bitter cold in January that the snow became hard and crusty. It has been overcast off and all most of the week. Storms have been passing us by but luckily we have missed the rain and snow. It has snowed in the mountains and we had a sprinkling yesterday morning. Today it is gloomy and very gray. I am so ready for spring!
I hope you are not affected by the flooding and that you stay safe.

Michelle said...

It is grey and gloomy in Iowa and has been for days on end as well. I miss the sun and the warmth it brings. I truly believe sunshine is happiness and it's just not here yet. I'm trying to love Winter, but so far since childhood I have not loved it. I only like snow on Christmas Eve through New Years Day then in my opinion it has to go. I hope you don't flood.

Jess and Jen said...

We've had partially sunny skies here and around 50 degrees. AWESOME. Lots of snow this winter, but really a great winter. You never should have left Utah, Adrianne! :) -Jess

LanceandNance said...

Perfect weather all winter...

Upper 70's all this week. Anyone wanna go to the beach with us next week? (don't hate me)

Mike and Adrianne said...

Lance, I don't hate you (like I said, OK was not as nice as Florida but it was pretty nice most of the time). And, even though I am jealous of those of you with good weather, I certainly don't wish the gloomy weather on any of you. Enjoy it while you can!!

Jason said...

Lance, I do kind of hate you. I want to go to the beach.