Does anyone happen to have tickets available for General Conference? Any of the sessions? (Priesthood session tickets would be AWESOME!)
Brent is thinking of flying out this weekend for an MTC reunion. There's a group of them that all worked together for a long time and every year, they try to get together around conference weekend. He's never gone, but is thinking of going this year. He'll only go if he can take Geoff though since it'll be Geoff's first year going to the Priesthood Session of conference. Brent doesn't want to miss that. So...if anyone has access to tickets will you please let me know asap? Thanks!
Your stake will have tickets as well chels... Contact your stake president's office.
Could have grabbed three for you last week, but they were on a first-come first-serve basis in my ward and I didn't pounce. -Jess
Dave, they don't have any. The stake said they won't know until fri.
I wish we had some! Usually if you get to the standby line early, you can get in. I have gotten in every tine.
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