Monday, March 14, 2011

Big Birthday Month

We have a big birthday month in the family. Sarah's was yesterday - happy birthday to you again, girlie! You are getting very grown up and will be a teenager in the very near future!
William's is today -- and he is definitely getting to be a big boy! I hope you get all the wishes of your heart today. We love you.
Tomorrow is Lance and Daniel's birthdays. I hope you both have a great day - Daniel, stay away from girl's kisses. Lance, hope your wife and little John spoil you to death.
Happy birthday to all!! We love all of you!!


Tana said...

Happy Happy Birthday to ALL!!!

Mike said...

Will's birthday wish was to eat popcorn and candy all day. He did get some popcorn, some cookies (at a friends house), some soda and pizza at dinner, and an icecream cake. Close enough to his wish coming true right?

Unknown said...

happy birthday to all of you- love all of you very much!


Lokodi said...

Happy birthday to everyone. I hope you all have a very special day. Love you!


chelsey said...

Sarah had a great day on Sunday. She's thrilled to finally be in the double digits!

Happy birthday to William, Daniel and Lance too! Have a great bday week!

Jason said...

I got a BB gun for my 10th birthday. Did you get Sarah one?

Happy birthday all. I hope you all had/have great days!

Jess and Jen said...

Yeah, and then Jason shot me with said gun. Please don't get Sarah a BB gun. -Jess

Jason said...

It was an accident. Well, at least I didn't intend to hit you.

Jess and Jen said...

I've told that story to my deacons and they all get a kick out of it. "Your brother shot you? And you didn't tell on him?"

That should cement my status as coolest brother ever. -Jess

chelsey said...

Ha! Do I LOOK dumb enough to get ANY of my children a bb gun?

I remember that incident as well. Was I the one that tattled on you Jason? I was there and remember the crying, so I probably ran off to tell mom. Can you imagine that conversation? "uh, Mom, Jason just shot Jess." Nice. Way to give a parent a heart attack. However did that go down anyway?

Michelle said...

I asked Jason for a bb gun so I could take out squirrels in the back yard, he said no. Daniel is asking for $100 gift cards to different places. Not sure what he thinks we are made of.

Either way, whatever anyone asks for or gets for their birthday, I hope the birthdays are great and that you all have a very fun day! I'm letting Daniel have a few friends over for a BD party tonight. It was just 4 friends and has now turned into 8 friends. I'm going to need a ton of pizza. Thank goodness Little Ceasar's pizza has a new restaurant here otherwise it would be frozen pizza.