I have a lot of trouble with the idea that Jon Hunstman thinks he might run for president. I didn't like him as governor of Utah and I'm not any more impressed with him now. Two days ago an article in the Deseret News dropped this little tidbit:
"With Romney's media blitz and confirmation that Jon Huntsman Jr. will resign the U.S. ambassadorship to China effective April 30 presumably to make a run for the White House, the question du jour becomes whether a candidate's Mormon faith precludes a viable candidacy for the U.S. presidency. (Despite telling Fortune magazine last year, "I can't say I am overly religious. I get satisfaction from many different types of philosophies," Huntsman is a member of the LDS faith and former Mormon missionary.)"
I have a bit of trouble with that philosophy. I would never vote for Huntsman. Just for the record.
On the other hand, I would vote for Mitt Romney. I have become more and more impressed with him as time passes on. He's not perfect, but I think he could handle the economic issues with this country better than anybody. This was in the same Deseret News article:
"Morgan initiated a conversation with Romney about religion by showing his guest a recorded clip from the 2008 presidential campaign wherein Romney said, 'I believe in my Mormon faith. … Some believe that such a confession of my faith will sink my candidacy. If they're right, so be it.'
When subsequently asked by Morgan if he still stands by those words, Romney didn't hesitate: 'Absolutely.'
He continued: 'My experience (in) Massachusetts running as a Mormon guy in a state that's overwhelmingly of other faiths didn't seem to get in my way there.'"
So that's my political thoughts today. It may all change in a year but for now, I would be interested in seeing Romney run again.
They are all a bunch of morons. This last week Romney said that Palin would be a good president. Really? What's he on?
Romney has to sing party lines right now. I think he really knows the fruity tea-drinking Alaskan would have no clue how to run the country.
Huntsman's -- or Romney's -- religious leanings, active or not, shouldn't matter. Doesn't affect their ability to lead.
I didn't hear that about Palin -- I agree - maybe he's just trying to play nice guy right now. But I think she would be a horrible president. Ugh.
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