Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My post from yesterday

I deleted it because when I went to Enrichment last night I found out that someone else was also asked to do the lesson and because she was asked 1 hour before I had been asked, I got to be out of it.

However I was asked to do the either the 2nd or 3rd lesson in March. The 2nd week they are doing the lesson in the Gospel Principles book called Sacrifice and the 3rd week the lesson is on Work and Personal Responsibility.

I am going to read through both until they decide which one it is that I'm doing. I would still like any ideas anyone can provide to help me pull off either lesson, personal stories and examples to share. Or ideas for a hand out or just something I should add no matter what.

Thanks for any help since I've only done about 12-18 lessons in front of Relief Society in my life and it's been a couple years since that has happened, so I love ideas.


Dave and Tana said...

I teach from the gospel principles book for Elders quorum every 2nd and 3rd sunday... Next month we will see what lesson I am going to do and I will let you know.


Jess and Jen said...

I'm teaching the Work and Personal Responsibility lesson next month! I haven't read much of it yet though! One thing I LOVE about our ward is that we have lots and lots of even though the lessons from the manual are short it's never a problem!

Seth and Natalie said...

I actually taught the work lesson last Sunday, and because our RS had maybe 10 ladies there I asked each to tell us about their first job and how old they were. It was so interesting, and it got all of them engaged in the lesson. It made the point of learning to work at a young age and while they may not have loved it at the time not a one regretted the work they had to do.

Michelle said...

It's official. I have the 2nd week of March on Sacrifice. Thanks for any help you can send my way!