Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baffled & Dumber than Dumb

Before I started my photography class, I knew that I wasn't very intuitive about electronic devices and different machines (including the computer). I learn by reading and following directions. I'm often afraid to experiment because I've been afraid that I will ruin a program or a file. Since I got my little (adorable) camera, I have been trying a lot of different modes but I didn't know why pictures looked the way they did. I have been learning why in this class. We aren't allowed to take any photos with the automatic mode -- everything has to be manual so we will learn how to use the aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings. I cannot change the aperture and shutter speed on my little camera. I can change the ISO.

Adam was gracious enough to lend me his SLR camera and told me that I needed to teach him what I learn in exchange for the use of his camera. Well..... I've been using his camera.....I don't know that I could teach him anything. A week ago I came out of the class completely baffled and realized that I'm dumber than dumb.

The teacher took us out into a barely lighted hallway. He sat on the floor and rolled a basketball towards us and we were supposed to freeze the frame and get the detail of the stipes on the ball. I simply couldn't do it. I was so lost with all the settings that I got really frustrated.

This week we did another exercise and I feel like I'm understanding it better. The pictures below are three I took with my little camera. I got a few with Adam's but not as good because we were in the dark and I am too slow with the settings. I'll get it!!

This is not a great photo but it's fun. The teacher had a light globe in the room. The purpose of this exercise was to show us how to set up a camera to take a picture of lightning. This was in a completely dark room. This is fuzzy - the ends of the lines should be clear and not fuzzy but my little camera doesn't have the capacity to do any better than this. I still like the picture. :) It was a lot of fun to experiment!

This is a picture of a spinning quarter. We had to spin the quarter and then try to freeze the frame. The same application as the basketball, but this was in a regularly lighted room and I could see what I was doing better.

I caught it! Just before it fell over. I was so proud of myself! If you think this is easy, just try it.
I did this with my click and shoot camera -- and I figured out all by myself what setting to use. I think I'm going to figure this one out. Adam can't find the manual for his camera and I need to get one if I'm going to continue to learn once the class is over which next week. Wish me luck.


Michelle said...

Cool Pictures!

Dave and Tana said...

I took a class in high school and loved it! Glad you are taking one:) Sounds like you are already having fun.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Cool pictures mom! Any new skill takes time. You are already good at taking pictures and when you figure out the camera you will be even better. I'm proud of you for taking this class.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Cool pictures mom! Any new skill takes time. You are already good at taking pictures and when you figure out the camera you will be even better. I'm proud of you for taking this class.

Seth and Natalie said...

You are not dumber than dumb. I make Tayler come home and teach me things she has learned in class. Keep up the good work, I think your pictures are beautiful. You have composition down already, and that's the best part of the picture if you ask me.