Thursday, December 23, 2010

Will it really appear in my account?

Fortunately I did get paid from the VA

Unfortunately I haven't seen it yet.

WHAT you say?????

Yes confusing I know. This is how it all goes down:

Monday I was asked to write a new invoice for the 3 months that I taught Zumba for the VA, and date it December 22nd which was my last class of the year with the VA. So I did that.

Wednesday I got an e-mail from my boss saying that I needed to call her to get "the number."

So I did. I called for the credit card number and all the other special codes I needed to have.

Now why I couldn't get this number in October or November, who the heck knows, but she gave me "The number" I could hardly contain myself at this point thinking inside. Oh my, I may actually get paid.

I called it into my special Dial Pay program thing I had to set up through the bank that has fees. (all of which I am told I'll be reimbursed for come January when I get a nice fat raise of which I've seen in a written contract that starts near the end of January) Provided that I keep that job.

After going through all the steps of

1. Dialing the special Dial Pay number
2. pressing the option on the phone for "Making it a Sale"
3. putting in my Merchant code
4. putting in her cc number
5. putting in her expiration date
6. putting in her 3 digit number on the back
7. putting in another code of sale
8. putting in the amount
9. confirming the amount

Then I received a Reference code and an authorization number.

So you'd think. "Great Michelle has her money."

No not that easy. Now I get to wait TWO business days for the bank to approve this transaction and put it into my business account.

So we will see IF on Christmas EVE (since that is a bank considered business day) if it actually appears in my account.

Crossing my fingers. I feel a bit frazzled at this point, do you?

If you are sitting there saying to yourself, "Ok I don't understand any of this" Then go to original post from Jason


chelsey said...

I sure hope it's all there on Christmas Eve! We'll keep our fingers crossed for you.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Wow, I hope it's there. What a pain.

Team Clark said...

Oh, Michelle - I'm so sorry that this is so complicated for you - it shouldn't be!!
Good luck - I hope it comes soon and that it can be easier in the future.

Michelle said...

The money appeared in my account today!!!!!!

LanceandNance said...

A Christmas Miracle!!!