My friend Joseph Mohrman is serving a mission right now. He is currently in the city Amsterdam.... David let me know if you know any one around this address:
Jesse Owenshof 38
1034 WT Amsterdam
1034 WT Amsterdam
The mission president is President Brubaker.
I am so excited for him.
I never served in amsterdam so I really don't know anyone there. Also its been like 3 years since I was even on a mission. He will find plenty of people to teach there though.
I'm so glad to know that you have his address. Now use it! Write to the boy! He's my pick for you. :)
3 whole years? Wow, Dave, how can you even remember that far back? :)
It's has been almost 20 years for me and I don't even know where the time has gone.
Good luck to Elder Mohrman. Dave is right, he will find plenty of people to teach.
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