Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tapping it out at BYU

This past week I had the opportunity to audition for the Faculty Choreography Showcase. There are a few numbers and the main audition was on the 8th. I didn't go to that one. Instead I tried out for the Tap number that will be choreographed by Colleen West (I worked with her in March).
At the audition there were at least thirty girls there. I had a blast learning the audition step that she had prepared. She didn't judge us though (She being Colleen). Some of her old students did. That kind of made me nervous.
Colleen split us up in five groups and each group got to do the routine four times, not in a row but in sets of two. I didn't think I did a very good job the first two times. I did a really good job though on the last two times though.
Colleen said that the list was going to be posted at four the following day. Much to my discontent though, I was not going to be in Provo at that time. I would be teaching for Gillian in Payson. I was pretty annoyed that I wasn't going to be able to be there when they put it up. I was able to meet this girl who also had tried out and she got my number and said that she would text me. I gave her my name and number along with my audition number.
I get this text at 4:46- This is Kayla, we met this morning. :) I checked the list for you. Congrats, our first rehearsal is Thursday from 7:30-9 pm.
YAYAYAYA! I got into the Faculty Choreography Showcase!!! I am loving College... as crazy and annoying as the work can be sometimes I really love it. I love my roommates too.
Just thought you guys should know my exciting news. :) Oh and Chelsey!! I still can't get in to read your blog! If you need my email just tell me. I want to know what is going on in your life sistra!


Jess and Jen said...

Way to Go! I'm glad you're loving college so much and having fun! -Jen

Jason said...

Congratulations! I guess life isn't as bad as you thought it was going to be at college, huh? I am glad you are having fun. College should be one of the best experiences of your life.

chelsey said...

Yeah! Way to go Katy! College is always fun...til finals come around. Have fun with those! ;)

You'll have so much fun in that group. Wish I could come see you perform!

And as far as our blog goes, shoot me an email (I don't think I even have a current email for you) and I'll send an invite to you.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Awesome job Katy! I'm so proud of you. Did a lot of other freshmen make it into the group?

Lokodi said...

Congrats girl! That's so awesome. I'm really proud of you. Hey, I need your phone number so I can call you. I haven't talked to you in a very long time. Glad to hear you like college. Keep working hard but don't forget to have fun too. Love you!


Michelle said...

So awesome you made that group. How many people that you know made it? Are you the only Freshman that made it? College is awesome, glad you are enjoying it.

Team Clark said...

Kaitlin - nice job on your audition!! that's exciting. By the way, I was emailing the Associate Dean of Students, Jon Kau today and mentioned you...He said this,

"I hope your sister Kaitlin is enjoying school, meeting new friends, and gaining confidence. Wyview is quite a walk to campus, so she should also be getting in good shape. Please have her stop by my office (3500 WSC, 422-4771) if she ever has any questions, needs assistance navigating the university, or when she is ready to carry on her brother’s legacy of involvement. I am happy to help and would enjoy meeting her."

So, if you ever feel like getting involved up with BYUSA, need some help, etc, drop in to see him. He's a great guy and will be a great mentor. He was for me.


Papa Doc said...

I guess I would have been really suprised if you would not have made it into so group. You are good and we all know it.

Dad Clark