One of my goals for the year was to run 100 miles. I got a pretty good dent in those miles but then I started working on another one of the goals--to have a baby. That was in June. I need it to be a goal because I need to get excited about it. If you don't remember, I hate being pregnant and I get pretty depressed afterwards. Plus, I like the way our family is right now. But, I didn't feel we were complete. So, I made a goal and I've been trying all year long to be ready for it. In June I got pregnant but in July (July 3rd) I miscarried. Then I decided that I tried to complete my goal so that was good enough. Just kidding. But, I was surprised at how emotional a miscarriage was and when my body and hormones were normal again I remembered how nice it was to not be pregnant. And then I decided that I just needed to do it and not wait any longer and so I got pregnant again. And now I am a little more than 8 weeks along and I am in misery.
I have felt pretty upbeat and kind of excited and hopeful and even got through the week without Mike really well, even feeling sick. But I am getting more and more sick and it is such a burden. I'm having a hard time keeping food down and all fluids make me want to throw up. I've tried quite a few things and none of them are appealing. The bishop in our ward is an OB and Mike asked him if there was a medicine I could take and he called in Zofran. I was so excited because I've heard good things about this medicine but so far it has not been the miracle drug I had hoped for. I am not sure it helps very well at all--perhaps some days for a few hours but that is it.
Anyway, it's been a hard few months for me and I started getting hungry when I was pregnant in June and then after the miscarriage I was depressed and eating all the time and now I am already 10 lbs heavier. So, at least this throwing up should help with the weight gain.
I know this will end. But, I'm having a hard time keeping my positive attitude that I had because I just feel miserable and I know that after the sickness goes away I will only have about two months where I feel good and then I will start having contractions (around four months).
I was trying to walk each morning but I'd get about a 1/2 a mile and want to vomit so I'd have to turn around so I'm not sure walking is really worth it right now.
The boys are super excited and so wonderful. They come to my room every morning and ask me how I'm feeling and ask if I need "soda" or "crackers." They also like to quiz me on what color my vomit was--gross, but something boys think is cool.
I am due May 9th (unofficially, because I haven't been to the doctor yet) but you can read that to say that I am due in April. Yes, that is the month we are moving. That might explain part of the reason I was upset to find out that rather than moving in December like planned, we are now moving in April.
So there you have it. Not a super upbeat post...sorry. We ARE excited about having another baby even though it might now seem like it. I was really excited in June and then when everything happened, things seemed less exciting and now I just feel like I've been pregnant forever and it's hard to believe that I am actually just starting over. I'm always excited at the idea of expanding our family, it's the getting them here that is hard for me.
Congratulations. We are very excited for you. I hope you start feeling better! All will fall into place and work out for the best with the move and all. Your only given what you can handle, right? Oh and May 9th is my birthday so it is pretty much an awesome day to be born! :) Congratulations again to you and your family.
Didn't know about the miscarriage -- sorry to hear you guys had to go through those emotional and physical struggles.
Should we send boy or girl vibes? I've finally figured out how to do each, so let me know what you want and I'll start meditating. Congrats on the pregnancy! -Jess
So great you are pregnant. I'm sorry to hear you are sick. Are you usually sick the entire 9 months?
Congratulations! I had such hope that things would be better for me this last time and it was so sad to realize that they weren't any better! I had high hopes for zofran too and while it helped some, it certainly didn't help like I thought it would. I took Zofran three times a day and a whole unisom at night. As long as I did both of those things I didn't throw up as much. I hope you can find something that helps a little bit!
I will be so excited for you if it's a girl because I do think they are fun. But I'll also be excited for you if it's a boy because I think it would be so fun to have a family of just boys or girls!
Oh, by the way, my girls were way more interested in my throw up than I thought they would be. Yuck! -Jen
Michelle, I was sick the entire 9 months with Will (threw up for 7 months every day then just wanting to for the last 2). With Isaac I threw up only one day but I would get sick if I didn't eat frequently. He was by far my easiest pregnancy. Then with Eli I was pretty normal. I got sick around five weeks and stayed sick, sometimes throwing up sometimes just wanting to, until about 15 weeks. This one is most similar to Will's but I am hoping that it won't last past 15 weeks.
Congratulation on the pregnancy. I can't imagine being sick so frequently. If Michelle had ever gotten sick, I am sure we wouldn't have made it to 6. I hope you feel better. Keep your chin up.
I'm glad you made the post. I have wanted to tell everybody but didn't. I'm am excited for you albeit sad that you have to be so sick.
Try to relax about the move. Just put it out of your mind for the time being and try to focus on each day feeling better. We'll keep you in our prayers. We'll pray for those bab(ies). :)
This too shall 9 months anyway! And what a great reward you'll have at the end of it all! Congrats, and I really hope you get feeling better soon.
Congrats! Hope you can bear it well and with good support. Love ya.
AAAHHH!!! I am so freaking happy for you!!!!! The move will be hard but you will be able to do it because you and mike are like superman and superwoman. haha I miss you guys so much and can't wait for you to come out!
I will call and talk with you later when I have more time, but
I love you. And your growing baby and family. :)
Sorry about the miscarriage. Wish there was something I could do to help.
Sorry about your miscarriage. That must be very hard. Watching Renee go thru it this summer was really sad. It's good you have a hubby around to help you thru the sickness of this pregnancy. Good luck with everything. It was great talking to you the other night.
Congrats, Adrianne! That's wonderful news! I'm sorry you are sick, though. I hope you find a lot of strength to deal with that part. And don't sweat the rest of it - the Lord loves you and he will take care of you.
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