Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Not to take away from Aid's post, but...

You have to watch this. This is Nesha Woodhouse's little girl Amberlee. I have known their family for 11 years. Amberlee is 11 and plays the piano with the professor that teaches the 5 browns. Dad used to call her the wambulence because she used to cry and cry and cry when I babysat her, but dad sure loved her! Still does I think... :)

Anyway, I teach mer musical theater. She dances, sings, plays the piano, is extremely smart... this is one of those kids that has huge dreams. She aspires to go to Julliard to study music. She will be playing with the Utah Symphony next year because she is THAT GOOD. Really. Watch this. You wont be let down. This is her at a competiion. And if you think she is amazing, she only got 2nd place.. think of how amazing the person who won was!


The Duke said...

She is very, very good. I think she is amazing on stage when she sings and acts. She has a fantastic voice but her stage presence is even more impressive. She isn't afraid of anything. She is passionate about everything she does.

gillian said...

I wish I was more like her! Sounds stupid, but really, she has such big dreams and she puts them into action. She is inspiring.