Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dead Blog!!

We all must be very busy because this blog is dead, dead. What are you all up to these days?
Work has been rather hostile lately and it saddens me because we work very hard to make sure product is brought in as quickly as we can get it. Right now we, purchasing personnel, are taking a hard look at how relevant we are to Dining Services. We know how relevant we are but some of the customers don't see us as that necessary because they want what they want when they want it and we can't always meet their immediate demands. I think I read a statement somewhere that says, "A lack of planning on your part shouldn't constitute an emergency on our part." We are in a constant state of stress and pressure over here because menus aren't shared, usage isn't passed along or projected and some people are simply prima donas. Enough said. It will be interesting to see if/how we can resolve the issues we are facing. I would like to turn a lot more of the daily ordering over to those who need the products and leave us to do more strategic sourcing and contract managing. There are reasons we haven't turned the ordering over to the "rebels" but we're hoping we can get them to a place where they are competent enough to do it correctly and savvy enough not to ruin vendor relationships. Today all three of us wanted to walk out and quit on the spot. But we need our paychecks so we keep coming back and we keep working on ways to extract needed information in a timely manner. (Timely is the all-important word here.)
On a brighter note, BYU held their first farmer's market today at the south end of the football stadium. We went down to take a look and it is a fun little place. The produce is beautiful, the ice cream and snow cones yummy and even BYU fudge made an appearance. Our Executive Chef was there showing all kinds of things to do with peaches. He made a cold peach "soup" that was delicious. I'm going to get his recipe so I can make the same thing.
I love seeing new, innovative things that BYU tries to do to reach the students and employees. The market is open to the public but they are hoping students will come and buy some fresh produce. They will hold this market for the next three Thursdays from 2-7 p.m.
We are making the adjustment quite nicely with extra people in our house. Ammon told me last night that he was really glad that Adam and Amy had moved into the house. That was after watching one of their DVDs. I said, "Is that because now you get to watch their movies?" He responded, "No! It's because I like the kids." Ok... I'm glad he likes the kids because we do, too.
We are slowly getting boxes put away and finding better ways to store things. We're still working on a kitchen schedule but it will work out in the end. The kids have found neighbor friends and seem to be quite happy.
All in all, life is pretty good. We have a roof over our heads, food to eat, our car is running well, we have fantastic kids/grandkids and we have good friends. You don't need much else in this life to be happy.
Let's see if we can get a little more activity on this thing.


chelsey said...

SO funny! Mom, I was just posting the same time you were because the blog has been so boring this week!

chelsey said...

Oh~ and I might have to give that quote about someone's lack of planning to Brent to use at work. That seems to be a common theme some days.

Jess and Jen said...

I am flying home tomorrow (Friday)! I've been in California since Tuesday visiting a few fires as we're working on a new project. It's been fun collaborating with PhD candidates at UCLA with this project. The best part: I'm just as smart as they are. -Jess

Mike and Adrianne said...

I think it's funny that we all view this blog as dead because Mike's family has a blog and we are lucky if someone posts once every few weeks and then no one will comment.

Jason said...

I'll bet you are just as smart as they are, Jess. I have realized over the years that most PhD's are simply people who don't mind jumping through more hoops. Occasionally, I have run across a PhD who is truly brillant. But by and large they are no different than I am - they just managed to meet more deadlines, fill out more paperwork, and had a greater capacity for being dirt poor than I did. Maybe I'll finish my PhD someday but probably not.