Wednesday, September 15, 2010


What more can I say?


Jess and Jen said...

I love the look on Katy's face. That's the look Lauren usually gets right before she starts acting like a crazy girl! -Jen

gillian said...

Haha! Kaitlin and Lauren do have similar smiles in this picture! I remember getting this picture done. We were all cranky and just wanted to get it over with. So funny.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Such a terrible picture.

The Duke said...

Even though I was pregnant with Ammon in this photo, my face was skinny! Man - I've added it on since then. I remember that Adrianne was really mad about this photo and the dress she had to wear but I was happy to have a girls' night out.
Gillian, where did you get this photo?

gillian said...

Mom, you were prego? You dont look like it at all! I got it from my box. it was just a piece of paper, it's not a real thick picture or anything. I think dad photocopied it for me or something?

Michelle said...

I think its a great picture as far as smiles go, but a couple of the dresses are sure dated, like Adrianne's dress. (sorry Adrianne) These kinds of pitures are classics and so fun to share.

chelsey said...

She was mad at me, I believe. I didn't have another dress for her to borrow, but we were all wanting to stay in the same color scheme -- of sorts...

I actually like this pic! We need another one now!

Kaitlin Lanham said...

haha I have absolutely no recollection of this photo being taken but for as long as I can remember it has been there to haunt all of us it seems. Gillian, you look so funny. Your nose looks kind of weird... haha I have the same chin that Chelsey has huh? What is wrong with my smile? I am always a good girl and never look crazy. haha

Mike and Adrianne said...

The deal is, that dress was dated even in the 90's and I'm not sure why I was made to wear that dress when everyone else looks normal.

It's pretty funny because now I can look back and just laugh at what a funny picture it is but at the time I was really mad. Lucky I smiled for the picture.

Jess and Jen said...

Kind of ironic that you were so mad about the dress you were wearing and somehow you ended up with your whole dress showing! -Jen