One morning, Amy came downstairs and said, "What if we moved in with your parents?" I was pretty shocked, but it was funny how almost final it sounded - like a decision more than a question. From that moment, it has just seemed like it was what we were going to do.
So, it's a little crazy and we've resisted the idea (mentally at least) quite a bit, since it really isn't a step up in convenience for us - I mean, Provo is pretty darn convenient for us. However, with a lot of prayer, fasting, thinking, talking, etc, we just know this to be the right thing for us to do at this time - for any number of reasons. We will be moving out by the end of August, so this is pretty soon. Anyway, if you want to know more about it, feel free to call us. Our kids are excited about it (at least for the moment). We know that God leads us (when we follow) toward the greatest happiness and good, so we are willing and excited for how we might learn, grow, and benefit from this experience. We are excited to be close to Mom, Dad, and Ammon, and get to know them better. To those who have known about this, we are grateful for your gracious support of this move. We hope that both families can benefit in amazing ways from this crazy new adventure.
If any of you who are near (lol - there's like 2 of you now...sigh) would like to help us do some remodeling or moving stuff, we could all use your help. We'll be doing some kind of major overhauling on the basement to begin with (not all worked out yet what or when). So, let us know. Thanks!
Hey, Jim-- the lawn doesn't look so good this year... the flower bed doesn't, either, because I tore most everything out. Gotta fix that.
Glad to have you guys coming our way and hope that it proves to be beneficial to you.
Our ward will be happy to greet you, of that I'm certain.
That's a bombshell! Good luck with the move in, and getting settled there in mom and Dad's place. I'm sure they're going to be happy to have you guys around (not to mention Dad will have a few little buddies to pass on his love of all things pigeon to). We'd help out if we were closer, but alas, we aren't. Let us know how we can help from here.
When do you plan on moving down to Elk Ridge?
I think that's the best idea ever! You should have thought of it sooner! It really works out so well and makes total sense. Perfect timing now that Kaitlin is moving out too. This will be a great way to save money. It's probably a pretty smart idea that you're not selling your other place right now since you'd probably lose quite a bit of equity on it. Renting can be a very good investment too. Good luck guys. I think it's great!
If we lived there still we would rent your place. Too bad we are stuck in our tiny one bedroom...
Good luck with the move!
Have I been lost in space somewhere? I haven't heard anything about this move. What is going on?
You didn't miss anything, Michelle - we actually just decided to do this. It all came up suddenly and the answers came fast and we are doing it. It's a crazy whirlwind, but it's happening!
(did that answer your question or do you still have more? Feel free to call me and I'll explain it further if you'd like)
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