Tuesday, August 24, 2010

remember when?

Hey, remember when I spilled a whole box of nerds on the floor?

And then when Kevin and I got called to be sunbeam teachers?

And when I got a job at Roberts crafts?

What about when I ate a balanced meal for dinner? HaHa. (a banana muffin.)

Oh, I do. It was tonight. craziness. But happy. Been a good day. woopee!


The Duke said...

Congrats on the new job. You will become the master crafter of all crafters. I just feel it.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Good job! What will you be doing at your job-cahsier, stocking shelves, helping with crafts, etc?

Sunbeams will be so much fun for you!

Jess and Jen said...

Congratulations on the job and the calling! Both will be fun! -Jen

chelsey said...

Congrats on the calling in Primary! Always remember that there is no greater calling than that of a teacher~ whatever age you're teaching. Afterall, Christ was the greatest teacher of all. You'll LOVE the sunbeams.

And what a great job for you! It fits you perfectly. You'll have all kinds of good craft ideas to share with the rest of us. Wish I could do that! You could teach a class or two!

Team Clark said...

Oh, I'm so jealous - working at Roberts would be so much fun.
Good luck with all of that!

Michelle said...

Do you still work at the Salon?

If I worked at a Craft store I'd spend all my paycheck there for sure. I try to not even walk in those places because of that reason. Have fun though, I'm sure it will be a nice job to have.

Michelle said...

Forgot to congratulate you both on the new calling. That will be fun. I think it's nice when you can be team teachers for things. Children are hilarious with the stuff they tell you. You will have all kinds of stories to share.

By the way, tried to get on your blog today and it appeared that you have already gone private.

Here are our e-mail addresses so you can invite us: