I have been trying to live healthy. Not necessarily diet but basically not eat anything after 7pm, stop all sugary drinks, and do at least 3 hours of some form of cardio a week. Well I have gone from 257(yes I was that big) to 235(thats 22 pounds) and counting. I haven't even done anything crazy- just a few simple changes that are pretty easy to get used to.
Dang son. Keep it up. I need to give up the sugary drinks too. I have been doing a lot better with it lately though. Tomorrow night I will start working out with two friends here who are pretty fit. I will probably look so weak to them, but I am excited to get this going.
Good job Dave! You are awesome. I am seriously proud of you.
That is so great Dave. Getting Fit is hard to do and you are doing a fabulous job with that. The best thing that all people need to remember is not to do anything crazy in the beginning. Set small reasonable goals that you know you can accomplish and then up the goals as you get fitter. When I started my weight loss 8 years ago I wanted to walk to the end of the street and back. I was so out of shape at the time that I only got 4 houses down before I turned around to return home. I made a chart to be accountable for my walking and my goal was to simply go a tiny bit further each week than the week before. Within 6 months I was walking 3 miles a day. 8 years later, this morning, I just ran 4 miles in 40 minutes and now I'm off to teach Body Sculpt and then Zumba later! You can do it, just Don't Give Up.
Good going, David! I'm very impressed.
I figured I've done enough excercise in the last 4 days to last for a year so I may taper off.....
Lifted about 30 boxes full of books average weight about 35-40 lbs and carried them upstairs and outside and then re-lifted them to put into a storage unit. I damaged my right calf in the process, but I didn't stop that dang exercising until about 10:00 p.m. Saturday night.
Now I'm going to rest... funny - no rest for a while yet.
Michelle I totally agree.... I have been trying to do things that are reasonable so I won't easily gain it back. Really not eating after 7pm has been the real game changer. /that was difficult at first but I am now adjusted and it is easy.
I love the title of this post. One of my favorite movies ever!
P.S. I'm proud of you too. :)
Never seen the movie.
I told Jen today, "Maybe I ought to try Dave's 'no food after 7' thing. But 7 o'clock sounds so early. How about 10?"
We both laughed.
haha. It is hard... especially if you like to stay up late like me! once 11pm hits it feels like fast sunday.
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