Thursday, August 12, 2010

Elementary, Middle School, Jr. and Sr. High School, and College

Elementary School: Learn how to color, read, write, and do basic math. You find good friends there that you may not see again when you go to Middle School.

Middle School: Classes change from one teacher all day to seven different classes with different teachers for each one. English is two periods long instead of one little section in the morning. You make new friends because your friends from Elementarty School all went to a different school.

Junior High School: Where you find your best friends, have the worst moments, learn how to do more complicated math problems like the ever dreaded Geometry (I wasn't bad at it at all I just hated third term because I couldn't do it when I was never there... Mom and Dad went to Florida for Lance and Nancy's Wedding so Jill and I had to be late for school while we took care of Ammon and I took care of the Pigeons... you can insert a shudder there), and start to find out who you are and what you want.

High School:
Sophomore Year - Show Choir... enough said with that, Brandon Davis and Gabe Lee.... they helped me through everything and made high school seem a lot less terrifying than it really was for a little Sophomore, Mrs. Hartley... She is the one that really sparked my interest in Social Studies. She helped me learn how to study for a test and I want to teach just like she did-packets and all their glory.
Junior Year - Salem Hills High School...... The best thing that could ever happen to me. I met my best friends all over again. I was lucky because I lived in Elk Ridge where everyone in my ward and stake went to Payson yet I went to Spanish Fork. When Salem Hills was established, all of those kids in my neighborhood went to my school for the first time since Elementary School. I met the most amazing people at that school that I didn't know from either schools... Joseph Morhman, Spencer Ericksen, Natalie Cheney, Zach Heywood, Neal Pemberton, Alyssa Stones, Alesha Erdman, Kamry Custer, Bonnibrook Gull, Brittany Benson, Evan Bryner, ect. The thing that gets me though, I never would have thought that I would be able to get so close to people I was friends with before like Lexi Brown, Celeste Lee, Benjamin Cowley, Ashton Moyer, Brian Nelson, Devin DeHart, Sarah Clark, Whitney Dawe, Alexis Marble, Ginelle Jack, Christy Pray, all of my girls at dance, and so many more. The girls at dance were now in school with me and that made all the difference in our relationship with each other. I got my first kiss my Junior year. I wouldn't take it back either. It was the perfect first kiss. My second kiss however, now that is one night that I would like a do over!
Senior Year - Graduation from School and Seminary, I applied for BYU, BYU-I, and USU, I got injured four times in this order.... torn Anterior Tib muscle in my right leg, stress fracture of my Calcaneus (heel), tore the same muscle again, and a small tiny stress fracture again of my Calcaneus.... Wow, that was a bad year for injuries, a year that a dancer dreads. I got into BYU, had the most amazing experiences at dance by finding out who I really danced for and why, got my first official boyfriend who has turned into my best friend this summer (I am going to miss him when he goes to Snow, along with almost every single friend I have, and I go to BYU), had my first leadership position in a setting other than the Young Woman's presidency... Choir Council President, took classes like AP Government (B+ college grade by the way... it should have been an A or an A- but I am happy with a B+), English 1010 (Also got a B+ college grade which is a miracle in itself since I struggled with that class after having the easiest English teachers up until Junior Year), AP Calculus (dropped at semester with two B+ grades each term... I didn't need it anyways because I tested out of math with my 26 ACT Math section score), and Medical Anatomy (Hardest class I ever took and I got straight A's all year!!). I challenged myself Senior Year and I some how did it.

College: So far, I got a job at the Creamery on Ninth where my friend Ginelle Jack just got a job there as well, and I will be moving out in THIRTEEN DAYS! AAAHHH that is so crazy. College is a mystery to me but I am ready to take it by storm! I have registered already and I have 12 credits with these classes: Hist 201 and 220 (US History to 1887 and World Civilization to 1500), Rel A 121 (Book of Mormon), and Dance 170, 241, and 335 (Beginning World Dance, Contemporary Tech and Theory 2, and Tap Dance Technique 2 (gateway class to letting me be in the Tap Company *Cross fingers*)). So nice huh? I am going to be auditioning for DancEnamble (Contemporary team) and the International Folk Team the second and third days of school. I can't find the information about Cougarettes to audition which is a shame because they have 16 out of 33 seats open. I would have a pretty good shot at that, besides not being flexible.
I am so ready to learn more in life. Look at what has happened because of school since Elementary School. School is the best thing that has ever happened to me (other than my family, the chruch, and dance of course).


Jason said...

Wow, you learned all that in high school? I only learned to count to 100 in Spanish.

Mike and Adrianne said...

College was a really tough time for me but I also loved it. I really found myself during that time. I'm excited for you to get to experience college now.

You want to have a re-do of your second kiss because it was so fantastic, right? ;)

Kaitlin Lanham said...

Adrianne.... Oh I would actually just like to say that I have only kissed two guys. My second kiss was with the biggest player in the whole world! He totally played me.
Jason... I learned how to count to 100 in German (though I can't really remember it now) and in American Sign Language. :)

Michelle said...

Glad you are excited for college. It is the time you usually find ou what you want to do with your life and meet some your best friends for life.

chelsey said...

College is the best! Have fun, but don't forget to'll regret it if you don't.

And go to the football games. You'll make fun memories there.

Kaitlin Lanham said...

I can't go to the football games. I can't afford it. I would rather eat and have a place to live than go to the football games.