Who needs to excercise when your air conditioning goes out? I'm just sweating off the pounds without lifting a finger this weekend. It's been miserably hot this whole weekend and wouldn't you know it? Our a/c isn't working. And then there's always the joy of renting. We will still have to cover a portion of the repair, but anything over a certain amnt and our landlords will have to pay for it. Problem is, they aren't too quick about this so far. So cross your fingers that the repair is a simple one and gets fixed today without having to wait on our owners!
I hate renting!!! I really hope your A/C gets fixed soon.
I hope you get it fixed soon. Good day to go to the pool!
That's a bummer that you have to pay for part of the repair when you've barely even been there! Hope it gets fixed soon! -Jen
Good luck with that! We feel for you because our car A/C is out (again) and this time it will be a pretty expensive fix and so we have to wait a while. We all get out of the car pretty drenched!
Hope you get it fixed soon!
Ah, ugh...... How do you sleep? I hope you have some fans. I'm so sorry! Hopefully it will cool down soon and hopefully your landlords will take care of this before they flee the country for hotter country.
Holy cow.. It is so hot!!!! Saturday was ridiculous!!!! I couldn't imagine living in this without a/c.
You're not kidding. It went out Sat night. Brent and I both woke up around 2 am drenched and couldn't figure out what was going on. Brent spent Sunday morning in an even hotter attic checking the system out.
The repairman said the compresser and motor are totally shot. Thankfully, since the repair is over $250 the owners should pay for it all.
I think it's crazy that you have to pay for certain repairs. I'm glad you won't have to pay for this repair. Our AC in our van is out again too. It was broken last year as well and it is just miserable. I was walking around today thinking, "Man, it is hot in here." then I looked at the AC to find that it was turned up to 90 degrees! Will keeps walking by turning it up so we go hours without cool air and then it is just unbearable and it figure out why.
Whatever people! There is nowhere (and I mean NOWHERE) in Germany that has A/C and I've been here thru 5 summers of it. If you're thinking it doesn't get hot here, you're wrong! A couple weeks ago it was in the upper 90s and lasted for two weeks straight without a break at all. That's without adding in the humidity factor too. Somehow you just get used to always sweating like a pig. My car is my only a/c and sometimes I just go sit in it with the engine running just so I can remember what a/c feels like.
I'm glad you're getting it fixed by your landlords chelsey. I don't understand why you'd have to pay for any of it, especially since you just barely moved it and it's an a/c. That's something that's not your fault when it breaks.
Well, just so you all know, last Sunday when I was in Anchorage, the high temperature didn't cross higher than 55 degrees F. Then I flew home and the low temperature in SLC didn't drop below 70. AK weather in the summer is delightful. Sigh... -Jess
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