I just got home from Provo and was met by an anxious Kaitlin telling me that Kathleen Sneddon had just called to tell us about Ginny Petersen.
As you may know, Jim and Ginny Petersen are good friends from Lincoln, Nebraska. Jim was Jason's scoutmaster. In recent years they have been living in the Logan area of Utah. Roy and Kathleen Sneddon live on the same street in the town of Providence.
Ginny has been suffering from terminal cancer, I think in her liver, but lately it has been all over her body. She has done very well and has had a wonderful attitude. We visited them about four months ago and we very surprised at how Ginny was holding out.
Kathleen said on the phone that she is now comatose in the hospital and close to death. I am actually happy that her suffering can now be over. I am sorry that she had to suffer at all, but that is part of life. Those around the suffering person have perhaps even more to learn than the victim. I am sorry for Jim. He loves his wonderful wife dearly and will now be alone. I wish him well. Knowing Ginny I think she will be very happy and blessed in her new situation in the spirit world.
Getting older myself, I have lots of feelings about this happening to one of my contemporaries.
Dad Clark
I remember Ginny. She was always such a sweet, tenderhearted person. One of those people you can't ever imagine raising her voice over something silly.
I hope her family is able to find the peace they deserve and Ginny is able to pass on without pain. Prayers to them all.
She is actually not in the hospital. Hospice is working with her, trying to find a combination of drugs that will help her so she doesn't have so much pain.
Kathleen used the word "comatose", but again, I'm not sure that is true. It just may mean that she is being drugged enough to not be very responsive.
My heart sunk when I saw a phone # from Logan this morning. I have been expecting this but it doesn't make it any easier.
I hope that by the end of my life I will have one half the goodness Ginny has always had.
Nothing replaces true friends.
That's what they did to my roommate Mary just before she died. They drugged her with enough pain medication that she'd be able to finally sleep and pass on. I'd much rather go that way, then have to die in pain. At least Ginny will be comfortable now.
So sad, I hope the families are in comfort and that Ginny can go peacefully.
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