On our way to visit Mike and Adrianne's house you pass by this GIANT statue of "touchdown Jesus" (as the locals call it). Quite frankly, it's rather creepy to look at. And there's NO way you could miss it, because it's right off the freeway and is huge. This is what it looked like before the storm last night:

And this is what's left:
There's been some talk around here about not worshiping idols....:)
Oh my! That's pretty crazy! -Jen
Oh my gosh! Will is going to be so disappointed. He loves that statue. That's pretty funny that the statue of all things would get hit.
Touchdown Jesus always creeps us out. It actually makes me uncomfortable.
I know! That statue is seriously creepy. Certainly don't mind that it's gone now! The wierd thing, is that the church directly behind it didn't burn at all! I'm thinking there's a point to that??? Kinda makes you go hummmmm.
FYI, we learned today that the statute isn't in fact stone, but rather fiberglass and foam over a steel frame. The fact that it burned is a little more understandable now. That thing is 6 stories tall! Well, used to be 6 stories tall.
KSL's website covered the story. -Jess
Brent reported that BBC news was saying insurance wouldn't cover the replacement cost because it was considered an "act of God". Nice one.
That's funny.
haha when we drove by that thing we were a little creeped out. hopefully they dont replace it with something bigger and more extreme.
This post is so funny. I have played that video over and over and laugh out loud.
When we drove by that thing, I was like, "What is that?" Then you see it clear as day when you are in front of it and it kinda scares you. My children said things like, "Why did Jesus have to be so big? Will the real Jesus be upset that his statue looks so weird? What is he trying to catch? That thing is odd looking." I agree with all those statements. Glad it's gone. Maybe they will think twice before building it again. And if it is built again, hopefully the artist is a better one.
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