I'm not sure why I often get hives, but today I think I found a new reason -- I'm allergic to work!! I decided to wash my windows. I don't think the outsides have been washed for a couple of years and they were caked with dust, cobwebs and bird droppings. So I washed the windows. Wow! I can see the neighbor's house. I did an awesome job.
However, as soon as I started using Windex, my arms broke out into hives all over. My legs were itching and starting to break out as well.
I really don't think I'm allergic to work - I think I must be allergic to Windex. Hmmm...
ewwww.. Mom, that's gross. I'm sorry you have to deal with hives so often. I think stress could bring on hives so maybe it IS work.
Yikes! At least you know Dad gets that chore from now on!
Don't I wish!!!
looks painful. I would definately skip cleaning from here on out.
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