Monday, March 22, 2010

Let Me Get This Straight.....

"Let me get this straight. We're going to be gifted with a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also hasn't read it and who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke."

What the heck could possibly go wrong??
(by the creator of the cartoon Maxine)


chelsey said...

Sounds about right. I can't believe it passed, though with that last stitch effort to adjust the abortion issue in there I guess I'm not suprised. What a mess we're headed for!

Jason said...

Yeah, Obama is coming to Iowa City this Thursday. How exciting for us.

Cedar Fort said...

wait- so are they saying abortion is going to be paid for by OUR tax money now?! Retarded! I hope that's not true. And if it is- they are going to hell for doing that.

Sorry for the language. I'm mad. I pay a pretty penny for insurance. I don't want to pay more in taxes so others get it for FREE! It's so stupid!


The Duke said...

As far as I understand it (correct me people if I'm wrong), the ammedment or other part of the bill they voted on as a second portion last night said they wouldn't use gov't money to pay for abortion. Did I get that right?

gillian said...

I read that they wouldn't use gov't money to pay for it unless it was rape or something like that. Stupid. Put it up for adoption. Don't kill the baby. People.

chelsey said...

Yeah, I think that's right Mom. I think that's the only reason they got the extra votes they needed. They had to change that because it wasn't that way originally. More democrats voted for the bill with that provision written in. The whole thing makes me sick.

Mike said...

They got the votes they needed by making a deal with the president that he would issue an executive order to prevent the use of federal funds for an abortion. That made everyone happy except the people who know it's unconstitutional for him to make an executive order that contradicts a law. If that were possible, the whole idea of checks and balances would be out of the window and the president would always be just one executive order away from being a dictator.

So, while they are claiming that federal dollars will not be used for abortions, the only way that will be upheld is if the senate passes the "fixes" to their health bill--and there's no guarantee that will happen. Any executive order issued stating otherwise would be repealed in a federal court thus opening the way for federal dollars to be used for arbortions.