Thursday, February 25, 2010

You're Not Alone

To all those that live in the Midwest, just wanted to let you see that you are not alone in the snowy world. This was what I saw this morning when I got up.
Caught the sun going down behind an unusually shaped cloud.

Provo canyon on President's day.

Provo Canyon



Jess and Jen said...

It's in Salt Lake City. You ought to check it out! Warm, sunny skies! -Jess

Tana said...

These pictures are so pretty! The snow looks a lot better on mountains.

chelsey said...

You may be getting snow too, but your scenery is MUCH prettier than ours! We just get that upper half of the picture-- GREY SKIES. We're supposed to get more snow from the back end of that new england snow storm they're getting. On and off flurries til Tues apparently. Spring definitely needs to show up soon! It was 11 degrees again this morning. No fun at all.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I'm with Chelsey and Tana--it looks much prettier there than here.