Monday, January 25, 2010

Temple in Payson!

President Monson announced today that a temple will be built in Payson. How exciting! Here is a link to the article on the Church website.

I never thought the Oquirrh Mountain Temple would be as special to our family as it is. It was awesome to watch a temple being built and know that it will be "your" temple. Jess and I also really enjoyed the opportunities we had to volunteer at the open house. I'm excited for the Elk Ridge Clark family to get to experience this same thing!


Jess and Jen said...

It's just a few miles (literally) from Jack and Nelva's house in Spring Lake. -Jess

LanceandNance said...

That is pretty hodcore!!!

Dave and Tana said...

I always thought it would be on the open fields on Elk Ridge as your driving down to Salem. I guess Payson is cool. I still think that provo might be closer for say Riley Birch's Family. It might as well be the Santiquin Temple.

Mike and Adrianne said...

That's so cool! I'm excited for you guys to have one so close.