Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Puzzle contest

Ok. Mike and I are holding a contest. We are excited about the contest and we want you to be excited too. I know we aren't a puzzle family but we thought this could be fun. I already talked to Jen about it and Michelle said she would do it so there are at least three of us ready to participate in our contest. So, leave a comment here or on our blog to let me know that we did a good enough job into pressuring you into doing it. Remember that you will get a prize, unless we win and then we get a prize. Go check out our blog to see the rules. Anyone is invited so even if some random person reads this and wants to join, it is fair game.


gillian said...

Can't wait! Lance and Nancy are good at puzzles. You better get them to do it! Or not do it.. cuz they might win!

Tana said...

Dave and I are in! I have never been a big puzzle person so this should be fun and new. We are going to search for a puzzle today. Let us know more if the when are we suppose to start.. or is it like the rest of Jan...from now?

Mike and Adrianne said...

Tana, we were thinking of making everyone buy the same puzzle so that we are all on the same playing field. I found some from WalMart for eight dollars but I'm not sure if all Walmarts carry the same puzzles. So, if you find one you really want to do, let us know which one it is and where you found it. We might just all have to do different ones. Any ideas on what we should do in that area?

We posted rules on our blog. I'm so excited. This should be so fun...and funny. I have never been a puzzle person but this makes me laugh and laugh. I just bought my first puzzle ever and it has been addicting. So silly.

chelsey said...

You know we're in! What's funny is that neither you nor I have ever been that into doing puzzles, then without speaking to each other about it, we both went out and bought one to start. Ours in about 2/3rds the way done now, but I've got a feeling the dog ate a few peices! Seriously! I'll post pics as soon as this one is done.

Let us know which puzzle we should get.

Jess and Jen said...

I'm going to Walmart today. I'll check out what they have here and then call you! Target has some $8 puzzles with 1000 pieces too.