Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kennedy's no more?

Wow! How about that state of Mass.? I still can't believe a republican is taking over the "Kennedy" seat. It will be interesting to see what happens to the health care bill now. Hmmm.

1 comment:

The Duke said...

We (mostly me) watched happenings all night long last night. I couldn't believe it, either. It's been about 50 years since there has been a Republican in that seat.
It gives me a lot of hope that Americans haven't lost their voice. I was beginning to worry about that.
As long as we can speak and make a difference with our votes, I will feel better.
Did anyone see Willy Brown speaking on Fox News last night? I couldn't believe that he thinks it's ok and expected to bribe voters, unions, etc. He was unbelievable. Why would anybody even want his opinions?