Monday, January 11, 2010

5th grade business ideas?

Geoff's grade is focused on business this year. The whole year, the kids have had different jobs, paychecks, etc. as they've learned about supply and demand, etc. It's been interesting to see him learn so much about economics. Now they have a huge project to do. We need some fun and creative ideas.

Here's the assignment: Each student (or students in groups no larger than 3) has to work on creating a business. They have to write out a business plan, get it approved, and make the product or do the service entirely on their own. They have to rent out booths (2 desk spaces = $10, $5 for each additional space) and set up their business. Each grade will come around and buy their products or service. The only real requirement is to have the service be something they've created on their own. It can't be store bought.

So, anyone have any ideas Geoff can use? His idea was to have a kissing booth! Somehow I don't think that "service" will be allowed....


Jess and Jen said...

How about a palm reader. Geoff can tell people their futures. Then when the cute girls come by he can say, "You will fall in love with a boy who spells his name with a 'G'" or something like that.

Jason said...

I like the kissing booth idea.

The Duke said...

Have him do a non-profit thing - collect pop tabs on pop cans and then donate them to the Ronald McDonald House. They recycle those things and make good money - it helps keep the houses open and operating. We collect them every day. Geoff could get the kids to start collecting - maybe hand out a gift cerfiticate for an ice cream cone at McDonalds after each participant has reached a certain goal.
Just an idea - 5th grade and they are already teaching them how to start a business. Wow - things have changed in the world since I was in 5th grade.

Jess and Jen said...

I know. When I was in fifth grade there were trying to teach us about sex.