Remember all those times when you'd be on the phone with Mom and she'd say, "Your Dad is down in Provo. He was supposed to be back an hour ago and I have no idea where he is."
Remember the time when Kaitlin got home from dance or something and saw a note that said, "We're taking Ammon to the ER" and knew nothing else of the situation and didn't know what was going on until we happened to track them down in the hospital to see what the heck was going on?
Hopefully, those times (lack of communication and Ammon's ER visits...) are over. Mom and Dad are the proud owners of a CELL PHONE!!!

Don't get too excited. They didn't get a Blackberry with the data package. They didn't even get a phone with a monthly contract. They do, however, now have a phone that one of them can carry when they are out or in situations like those listed above to communicate with others in the family when needed. It's a prepaid Nokia flip phone and is to be used like a calling card (use up the minutes, refill the card, etc.).
It was fun to walk through how to use a cell phone yesterday. I will say that Dad is not nearly as old as George Burns because he picked up on the technique really quick.
Oh, Steve would be sooo disappointed. His idea of real success is getting through a day without having to talk on the phone. I guess all of his children, and now you, are big fat failures!
I think it's awesome that you have one. What's your number?
Now the only question that remains...can dad's fingers actually push just one button at a time? ;)
And can we now tease them that if they don't pick up the cell phone, we on earth do the have one in the first place?? (Sound familiar dad??)
Enjoy your leap into the 21st century!
I hope this will work and that Dad won't be such a "stuck in the mud dinosaur" that he won't use it. He seemed to reject the gift at first, but he warmed up to the idea as the day wore on and he did catch on quickly how to use it. I have the # written down somewhere in my messy room. I'll e-mail the # to all of you.
Thank you to all who participated! It is a bit nerve wracking when Dad takes off and I have no idea where he is or when we can't get in touch with any of you when we're at the hospital (hopefully those days are past for a while).
I heard this yesterday while Dave and I were at Mike's parents house and was so surprised. I think it is pretty exciting! Life can be so much more convienent with a cell phone!
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