Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Jason and Jen!

Happy birthday to 2 of the best people I know! I hope you both have a FABLOUS day today and remember how many people love you! Have a great day you two!


Mike and Adrianne said...

Ditto. Jen, I know it's the big 3-o. I hope it turns out great. I'm holding my breath for when it's my turn in six months!

Jess and Jen said...

Jen is a little saddened by the thirties. I tell her she can take comfort knowing that Jason is just about ready to leave the 30s! Enjoy your last year, Jason!

gillian said...

Happy Birthday Jason and Jen. Love you both!

Tana said...

happy happy birthday to you both! have a great day!

The Duke said...

I agree with Chelsey - you are two of the best people I know!
I thought a lot about the day you were born, Jason. The night before Jim and I went to a nickle flick at BYU and watched a WC Fields movie. You were born about noon the following day. I thought a lot about the kind of little boy you were - you loved books, you loved tubes of any kind that could be used as a gun - you loved to line up all the silverware in the house like a train - you were the best big brother any kid could have hoped for. What a privilege it has been to be your mother and friend!
Jen - what would we ever do in our family without you??! You are such a great friend and so much fun to be around. I especially love how much Jess adores you - he's one lucky guy.
I hope your birthday is a great day for both of you!
We love you.

Dave and Tana said...

yeah double bday! good job you two... on being birthed on this day many many many moons ago!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Jen! I hope its a great day for you.

And Jason, hope your day is fabulous as well and that you get everything on your birthday list!!!!

Jess and Jen said...

Mom, I agree with most things you wrote. I take exception to "you were the best big brother any kid could have hoped for." We musn't forget that JASON SHOT ME IN THE LEG when I was but a wee lad and then convinced me not to tell on him. If he wasn't the best big brother, he at least knew how to control me!

Jason said...

Can you believe he is still whining about being SHOT in the leg??? I seriously thought he was faking it. When I realized he was serious, I about freaked. I thought for sure my days with my bb gun were finished. The fact that he didn't tattle reflects what a cool little brother he was.

gillian said...

HAHA- I like this. We should start a post on all the mean things we all did to eachother but didnt tattle on....

Jess and Jen said...

Thanks guys..my 30th birthday has been great! Jason, I hope you've had a great day too!

Team Clark said...

Happy b-day y'all. One more to go before you die, right Jason? ha ha ha. And Jen is on the slippery slope of oldness now.

I hope you both had great days!


Mike and Adrianne said...

Happy Birthday! Uh...we'll be sure to eat some icecream in celebration for you both.


LanceandNance said...

Happy B-day to both of you!

Lance, Nance, and John

Lokodi said...

Happy b-lated birthday to both of you. I couldn't get to a computer yesterday. How you both had fun. P.S. Gillian, I don't think we could have a post about all the mean things we did to each other and didn't tattle on because I'm pretty sure we all tattled about everything with the exception of the bb gun. :) Eva has started paying me back for all the tattling I did. She's a tattler.


Jess and Jen said...

Oh no, remember the time Adam smoked pot behind ... oh, wait. Never mind. That should remain behind sealed lips. We'll leave that secret for another day. -Jess