Friday, October 30, 2009

Worms and 80 year olds.

Two things. First, it rained here the other day. We woke up to a wet world but the rain had stopped. I opened the door for Diamond to go outside and do his business and then left it opened so I wouldn't have to come back and let him in two seconds later. I was making breakfast when Will said, "Mom, hurry and come see what cool thing is in the living room." I walked into the living room to find 10 worms squirming on my coffee table. They had so nicely collected them from outside. Ahh, only boys.....

Second, and this is kind of weird, but...I was reading in Genesis the other day and got to the part about Sarah and Abraham saying they are brother and sister. It's the second time they did this, the first in Egypt with the Pharaoh. You know the story. They take Sarah because she is so fair. I was thinking, at this point Sarah is at least 80. So my thought is, she must have been one hot 80 year old. We figured that if they live until 140 then their 80 must be like our 40. The Bible sure has interesting stories.


The Duke said...

I told my husband and boys that I would NOT clean out their pants pockets before washing them because I was always afraid of what I could find in there (like worms or rattle snake rattles that my brothers used to collect). Jim has cussed at me multiple times about that but I've held my ground and I've washed some pretty interesting things. Ugh....the things boys collect.
Girls stash lipstick and lip gloss in their pockets and it gets all over their clothes but at least it isn't squirmy and ugly.
So sorry for you!!!
I've wondered about that story and about Sarah, too. Interesting.

Papa Doc said...

If Chris would have had worms on her table it would have to have been sold and replaced with a new one. She cannot even walk on a sidewalk in the early morning hour when there are night crawlers still out.

Dad Clark