Friday, October 09, 2009

Sad state of affairs

How is it that Barak Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize? What has he done to warrant such recognition? Keep in mind that nominations for the prize were due a mere two weeks after he took office. This makes the Nobel Peace Prize nothing more than a cheap, shiny piece of plastic purchased at the dollar store.

Although I did not agree with all of the methods employed by the previous administration in their efforts to combat terrorism, I abhor the near Nephite-style pandering to the Gadianton Robbers that we are experiencing presently. As soon as we began to worry what Europe was thinking about us, we began to see a weakening of our resolve. I am just waiting for President Obama to step off Air Force One after a face to face meeting with Amedinijad and proclaim in a very Chamberlainesque manner that we will have peace in our time. President Obama is naive if he thinks his personality and powers of persuasion will win over our enemies like they did the Nobel committee.

To win a Nobel prize in the sciences takes years, sometimes an entire career. Usually, the prize in physiology and medicine is given about 15 or even more years after the research was first published. For example, this year's prize in Medicine was given for the discovery of Telomeres. Telomeres are stretchs of DNA added on to the end of chromosomes that act to protect the chromosomes from degradation. The aging process is thought to be partially controlled by telomeres. This research was first published in the 70's and early 80's.

Apparently, it only takes two weeks to make a lasting impression on the peace process though. Hopefully, Pres. Obama will put the money he gets from the Nobel committee into the pot to help pay for government-run health care. We're going to need every penny we can get.


chelsey said...

Ditto, Ditto, Ditto! Really pathetic that he won, and for what really??

LanceandNance said...

We basically posted at the same time. Now my post looks retarded.

Jason said...

Nah, great minds think alike, Lance.