Friday, October 09, 2009


Um... president Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize today. Does anyone else think this completely ridiculous? I thought it was bad enough that Al Gore got one...

What a joke.


chelsey said...

Yep! The common response I'm hearing is "FOR WHAT"? Good question. When people like Obama and Gore win the Nobel Peace Prize, it's got to be irritating or people who actually deserve to win. It belittles those who've won it for good reasons in the past.

The Duke said...

I am absolutely appalled! When I heard about this morning I felt sick to my stomach.
Things that used to have some meaning in the world now has not meaning to me at all. I used to respect this group because it represented awarding someone that had worked their entire lives to achieve something incredible.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Mike said today, "Guess who got the Peace Prize?" I said, "I don't even know who was nominated." To which he said, "Right, but if you had to guess?" And then I knew. Seriously? I can't believe it.

Jess and Jen said...

From the front page of "Obama was chosen not for substantive accomplishments, but for inspiring "hope" at the start of his term."


chelsey said...

So if that's the case, shouldn't we, the (dumb) American public get the award for electing him in the first place? What a joke.

Tana said...

Ugh...I heard this early this morning on the way to work while listening to NPR...they were saying a big part of it has to do with his developments with international relations...Makes no since to me at all!!! Of course all of the people at my wrok were very very happy and talking about it all day so I stayed quite...