Here's a little game...
Guess who Brent saw on the golf course in FL yesterday? (Dave already heard, so you can't guess!)
One hint: Greatest athlete ever!
Leave your guesses and I'll tell you tomorrow morning. I couldn't believe it. I would've done something stupid and asked for an autograph.
Tiger Woods is my guess since he is from Florida.
Well, I haven't been in Florida for some time now, so it couldn't have been the BEST athlete ever. But if I were to guess... just because Adam already said Tiger, I would guess Micheal Jordan.
My guess, before I read Lance and Adam's guesses, are Tiger or Michael.
That's funny--I think of Michael Jordan as the best athlete ever, too. Though, I remember as a kid that Bo Jackson was the best because "Bo knows..."
I think it is greg ostertag.
Lance, you're funny...
Since we all know baseball players are the best athletes on the planet, it has to be John Kruk of early 90's Phillie fame and currently an analyst on ESPN's Baseball Tonight. -Jester
Tiger Woods
Chris McCormack or David Goggins are the two greatest athletes alive today. However, my guess is Tiger Woods.
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