Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Reading the entire Book of Mormon

So it's been a while since I could really say "I've read the entire Book of Mormon"

And I can't really say that I remember it front to back.

So when the seminary meeting happened last week and the teacher explained that in just 254 days (the seminary year) that the entire book could be read in just 10 minutes a day, I was interested. I'm super busy, but I have 10 minutes a day.

She gave a chart out. Something you could mark squares off each day. Kinda cool.

One side has 254 boxes for each day you read you can mark a box.

The other side has 254 parts of the Book of Mormon. Starting with 1st Nephi.

So I started reading yesterday and figured that journaling my thoughts on each chapter will help me understand it better. I started a blog to help me with that. If you care to go there


Lokodi said...

What a great idea. Maybe I'll join you.


The Duke said...

Maybe I will, too. Jim did that when he was on his mission and what a treasure it is now! What he wrote would be something one of his kids would love to have after he is gone.
I read some of your scripture journal and I think about some of the same things you did. It makes the story more real and personal. Keep it up!

Michelle said...

I recently started my second scripture journal. It truly is a wonderful way to study the scriptures. Sometimes I find answers to questions that had nothing to do with what I read.

One of the funnest things with this is that Michelle has been sending me on her comments in an email and I am able to write some of my ideas/impressions about what she has read. Discussing the gospel with your spouse is truly a relationship strengthener.

Michelle said...

By the way, that last comment was made by Jason, not Michelle (I am on her computer).