Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Search - ABC 4.com - Salt Lake City, Utah News

I'm trying something - I'm trying to see if this will bring up the Clothing Exchange we attended last Saturday. If you bring up the video, you will see Ammon very briefly.

Search - ABC 4.com - Salt Lake City, Utah News


The Duke said...

It works - I just checked it out. There is a short advertisement on the video before the article begins. It was a great place to find some nice clothing! It's a great idea.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I saw Ammon! He had some cute girl hugging him. What's her name, Ammon?! ;)

chelsey said...

You weren't kidding when you told me there were a lot of clothes there at the exchange! We tried to do one a while back with a few wards together, but the lady organizing it was kinda rude to people who wanted to donate, so it didn't even get off the ground. Sad really, because it clearly works well for most people!
You were looking good there Ammon, and it sounds like some good deals were found!

Lokodi said...

Ammon's famous!

The Duke said...

Yeah, that's what he told me when he saw this. :) The cameraman asked me if he could get a sound bite from me but I refused because I didn't look great - even if I did look great I wouldn't let anyone get me live on camera. I don't want to be famous - but Ammon does! :)

Michelle said...

What a great idea, wish there was something like that here, sure could use some clothes and there's plenty we need to get rid of.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Send clothes our way! We need 5T clothes...