Saturday, August 29, 2009

Contact Information

Yesterday Jim and I left the hospital about 11:00 a.m. and went home. Ammon doesn't even know we are here. The nurse told me last night when I called to check up on him that the only thing he has done is to open his eyes when they roll him over and then she said, "But he's not home." So they encouraged us to go home but to stay in touch. I came up this morning and will stay the day, but the only reason I'm really here is to answer nurse and doctor questions. They are going to start a slow feed today to see if his stomach tolerates it and will then work on bowel issues probably tomorrow.

In case you want to get in touch with us up here, here is the phone # that goes directly to his bedside: 801-662-2316. You will need to identify yourself and then they will ask for a code # which is 0934. That will let them know that I gave you the # and it is ok for you to call.

Two days down - hopefully only one more on the ventilator. His vitals are great and they are pleased with his progress. Today they were able to take out a small drainage line that was coming from the incision where the trach was. That's progress.

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