Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Lemme extol the virtues of this blog:
  1. Jason and Michelle had dryer problems. They blogged about it. It was fresh on my mind.
  2. I started having dryer problems. I blogged about it.
  3. Adrianne recognized the problem we were having because she had THE EXACT SAME SYMPTOMS BEFORE.
  4. Adrianne suggested a solution.
  5. I did what they did -- cleaned out my vent (again, mind you -- but there's more to it than just that).
  6. Viola! My dryer dried a load of colors last night as it should. Good as new, as Adrianne says.
Blessed blog, this thing.


Jason said...

Glad it is fixed!

Mike and Adrianne said...

YAY! I helped someone! That makes me so happy! Can you tell from all the excamation points?! In all seriousness, I am glad so now you won't have to worry about spending money to get it fixed. Here's to doing laundry (which is what I'm going to be doing in two seconds when I get off the blog).

Jess and Jen said...

Well, to be honest, we listened to Dave Ramsey and have built up an emergency fund so when things like dryers go out it's not an emergency to get a new one. Regardless, it's great to be able to save that $$ for something else.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Even if you have money for emergencies, it's still nice to know you can use that money for something else if you need to. And, we read a book by Dave Ramsey. We really liked it. That is why we payed off my student loan and now we are working on Mikes.

Jess and Jen said...

I listened to the CDs that Adam has. When I was at Lance's last weekend I saw that they had that book, too. Good stuff.

We have done the emergency fund thing and also struggle through the envelopes of cash exercise. We seem to do it for a few months and then not. We're currently on the cash pattern.

Mike and Adrianne said...

We have done the cash thing a few times and it works quite well but it is hard to go and get the cash from the ATM. It just takes more time and we are lazy...Right now we use Microsoft Money and every month we change our budget according to what we need that month. Previously we were trying to fit into a set budget each month but our needs change each month so this has helped us save a lot more money.