Monday, February 23, 2009

Another Template - 3 Column!

Yet another template fiddlement. That's not a word. I make a lot of those up. Just ask Jen.

There are a few things in the code I can't find to change, so they'll have to stay until I find them. For example, the links in the top right of the page are embedded somewhere not visible in the HTML. So, for now, we have links to the template source! (I hate that...I prefer to hide that information.)

I've learned more about CSS in the last few days than I ever wanted to.


The Duke said...

Once you get out of the side bars scrolling down, you run into a whole lot of white - it feels like there's no edge and I feel like I'm falling off. Maybe it wouldn't feel that way if the background colors of the side bars were darker so the white of the actual blog area felt more contained.
Just an observation.

The Duke said...

You've left Ammon's blog off, too.

Jason said...

It really doesn't matter all that much to me, Jess. You are doing all the work so do something you like. Just as long as I have a place to rant and rave, I am happy.

Jess and Jen said...

I really like this template except for the header. I love the dynamic center column width and the fact that this template uses the whole screen.

I imagine when (if) Blogger adds 3-column templates to their standard selections, I'll revert to that.

I've added Ammon's blog to the blogroll and read the post.

chelsey said...

Looks a little too business like to me (then again I have pinkish orange on our blog...), but doesn't really matter since it all does the same thing. You're heading this blog management Jess, so do what you like.