Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Okay, here is a new one. I had a blast with the last one and I thought this was an interesting picture. Have at it.

"Look Ma, no hands!"


Jess and Jen said...

The sport of bullfighting turned on its head after animal rights activists release bulls from holding stalls.

chelsey said...

Spain introduces its new olympic sport.

chelsey said...

or- "I feel pretty, oh so pretty", says the bullfighter.

The Duke said...

Bull Plants Horns

or -

Pip Squeak Upends Bull

Michelle said...

Will Flip for Food

chelsey said...

Red Bull will get you flipping!

Mike and Adrianne said...

Dancing with the stars goes international.

Jason said...

"The Russian judge awards a 9.6. It would have been higher but the lack of a complete vertical position during the move just couldn't be ignored."

Jason said...

The exciting new sport of bull growing is garnering a lot of attention.

Jason said...

Thousands gather to watch the unveiling of the newest speciman to be developed by the University of Madrid's Horticulture department - the Bull Flower.

Papa Doc said...

You guys are nuts. All of you. Where did you get this picture?

Dad Clark