Sunday, January 25, 2009

Caption Contest

Please make up the caption you'd put below this picture. The winner gets 10,000 points. Here's my first attempt:

"Local plumbing company in deep water after digging up the wrong pipe."

Show me what you've got, folks!


Jason said...

Shovel lacks faith to dig on water.

Deluge of acid rain in the Garden State disinegrates shovel.

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

Shovel operator attempted to fix a leak in the 9th ward levee and used Hurricane Katrina to cover the evidence.

Jess and Jen said...

Man, I'm not sure I can beat those. I had a similar thought as your last caption, but in reference to the Iowa floods last spring.

The Duke said...

I'm laughing out loud - those are really funny you guys. I have one, but Jim wouldn't like it so I'll hold off.
Thanks for the laugh!!

The Duke said...

I'm laughing out loud - those are really funny you guys. I have one, but Jim wouldn't like it so I'll hold off.
Thanks for the laugh!!

Jason said...

Oh, come on. Let's hear it. The rest of us need a laugh - even if it pokes at Dad's sensibilities.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I have no imagination so I have no caption but I love the picture of the captions you have already posted.

Jason said...

Here's a couple more.

Church's attempt to dig a baptismal font ends in failure.

My retirement fund.

Catapillar's new submarine shovel undergoing sea trials.

US Army Corp of Engineers dredges local river.

Okay. That is going to have to do it for me. There is only so much science I can do before my eyes start to cross and I have to get up and do something else for a few minutes. Thanks, Jess, this has been fun.

LanceandNance said...

is this where you wanted the pool? (In a red neck accent)

The Duke said...

Ah, this job is sucking the life out of me!

Michelle said...

Michelle must have been driving the digger thing again, it's stuck in the mud. This time it might take more than 2 tow trucks to get it out.

Team Clark said...

"Your bailout money at work".


"Dig yourself out of this one..."


"Whatever you do, DON'T MOVE"


Imagine a picture with the mud without the machine..."Your economy" Now the picture with the machine..."Your economy on a Bailout".


"Catepillar today announces 5,000 layoffs" (really true)


"In hopes of revitalizing company morale, Catepillar encourages a soothing mud bath."


"Signs of a sinking profits take Catepillar by surprise"


"oh @#%$!!"


"local excavating company takes a bath..."

Ok, that's all I could come up with tonight. I'm sure more will come to me as I lay in bed tonight...sigh.

Jess and Jen said...

Good work, guys! -Jester

Jason said...

Ha Ha Ha. I love 'em. I had a similar catapillar/layoff caption float through my head on the way home from work yesterday as I was listening to NPR. Those are great, Adam. I also like Mom's.

The Duke said...

Let's do more of these - this was fun! I have laughed my head off and I love to laugh.

Jess and Jen said...

Honestly, I've been looking at the blog and things are slow around here. And politics don't seem to make everyone happy, so I did a Google image search for "funny" and came across this image. It was fun to glean the creativity from y'all.

Jen and I are in Florida enjoying the humidity and lack of snow. It was 80 degrees here today, but I think the storm that's dropping ice in the midwest is heading this way. It won't bring ice, but it'll drop the high to 60 by Friday here in Orlando! Brrrr!