Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This one's for you mom!

Let the fun begin...

Yes, it's a coat for the dog. He..He..He...


Kaitlin Lanham said...

I AM SO DISAPOINTED IN YOU!! Chelsey!! How could you do that to your por little dog!! You turned into one of those celebs that hold their dogs and put them in tutus!! If you even dare attempt that, SO HELP ME!! I am now officially disgusted (however you spell it).

Papa Doc said...

Where are the boots to keep his little feet warm?? It least the coat has a hood on it to keep his little ears warm and free from frostbite.
I truly can't believe you bought a coat for your dog. They have a natural covering to keep them warm called hair.
P.S. Did I raise you???

Mike and Adrianne said...

I can't believe it either....you crack me up.