Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Happy, Happy Birthday Gilly Dear.

The big 2-0! Wow. That went by quickly. I hope you have a great day girl. Go have fun with your girlfriends. Eat at cafe rio for me. We love you. Take lots of pictures of your day today and post them.


Jason said...

Happy birthday!!! I hope you have a great day.

chelsey said...

Happy birthday Girly girl! Yes, your card will arrive late. So did Kaitlin's. Sorry guys. I'm trying! Have a great day today!

Jess and Jen said...

Geez Chelsey, you ought to be ashamed of yourself. The rest of us have no problem getting our gifts or cards to each other on time...

Wait, I'm kidding!

Happy 20th Birthday Gillian. Hope you get a huge kiss from a hot guy! -Jess

chelsey said...

Don't wish her that! She just might get it! Yuck. ;)

Papa Doc said...

Well, Gillian finally made it out of the teenage years! Yahoo!!
She is going out to dinner with a whole bunch of friends tonight and is just hanging out at home most of the day, I think. We sang to her and then Katy gave her a gift. We are giving her money to help out with her California trip over the Christmas holidays. So that didn't make much of a birthday feeling this morning.
I hope you have a great day, kiddo!
We love you and wish the very best for you in all you do.

gillian said...

Thanks everyone! I am going with a bunch of friends to red robin, my favorite place to eat. :) I have already gotten 28 texts saying happy birthday.. haha. Chels, dont feel bad for getting a card out late. your about the only one in the family that even sends one haha!! CALI HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LanceandNance said...

Happy Birthday Jill babe. You are so old now. Have fun today.

Mike and Adrianne said...

Happy birthday!!! I hope your dinner and your kiss are great.

Team Clark said...

Happy b-day gillian. go wild and cut your hair or something. You could always go for the sinead o'connor look. ok, maybe not. Hope your b-day has been fun and filled with friends.

Team Clark said...

Happy Birthday, Gillian! I can't believe you're 20! Hope you had a great day.