Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Time for bed!!!

We are finally home. The only thing I don't like about going to Utah is the drive. I am just glad it is over. However, it was well worth it. We had a great time and it was wonderful to see everybody (well, almost everybody - we missed you Lindsey). I really enjoyed meeting Nancy and Tana as well as a couple of my nieces and a nephew that I hadn't met. I consider it one of the great blessings of my life to be related, both genetically and by marriage, to so many wonderful people. We love you all and only wish we could be closer.


Jess and Jen said...

We are so glad you came out, too. It was so fun to see you guys and get to know your kids a little better. Abby is so sad that she has this newly found girl cousin, but doesn't know when she'll get to see her again. Glad you guys made it home! --Jen

Team Clark said...

We loved seeing you guys! It was fun and we, too, wish that you lived closer so we could see you all the time.
Thanks for making the huge effort to come out!

Papa Doc said...

I can't even begin to tell you how much your trip out here meant to me, personally. I know it was a huge sacrifice both in time and money. I hope you felt it was worth it. We loved getting to know the kids better. They are all delightful!! I had such a good time visiting with them and learning more about them.
You have done a great job in raising them and I hope it won't be so long in between visits (either us out there or you out here) again.
Thank you again. I'm glad you made it home safely.