Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yeah, it still hurts

New MRI last month.  Consultation a few days ago.

Same diagnosis, but with a "severe" added as a prefix and the adjective "herniated" added to describe two of my discs, L4-L5 and L5-S1, both of whom are basically wearing down to nothing.

After my L4-L5 and L5-S1 disappear, I will have lost an inch of height.  That's depressing.  I keep reminding myself, "Dave's not getting taller; you're getting shorter."  I'll be looking like this guy here in no time.

Back to the gym to build up my core.  That's the only solution I have right now.

On a completely unrelated note, I came across this picture today.  Something to laugh about!


Jason said...

I am a little tired of being the shortest of the five oldest boys. Welcome to the world of average height. However, I am sorry that you have to experience it in this manner. Did the Doc have any treatment options? Are you taking any good drugs? My suggestion would be to start swimming. Good luck.

Jess and Jen said...

I've never been one for drugs. I have a bottle of Ibuprofen, but I never remember to take it. I think I forget I can...

Jason, any swimming strokes I should do in particular? How do I get over the initial hump of dying every time I swim a lap? Swimming isn't my strong suit. Give me a BCD, fins, and a mask and I'll be in the water for hours. But make me swim on top w/o a snorkel? I die!

Jason said...

So swim on the top with a snorkle. I've seen people do it. Also, use a kickboard. People who are not good swimmers have a difficult time because they tire so quickly that swimming becomes miserable. The key lies with good technique. besides using a kickboard to help you learn to breathe properly, you can use flippers to help you work on your upper body without worrying about staying afloat by flailing your arms. The flippers will provide plenty of momentem. You don't have to be a good swimmer for the exercise to be good for your back. When I started swimming in grad school, I didn't know how to freestyle. Instead, I just did breast stroke and side stroke. I slowly taught myself to freestyle. Swimming is the best thing I ever did when I sprained my back. By the way, I love the picture of Rosy.

Mike and Adrianne said...

That picture is disgusting. I'm sorry about your back, Jess.
Will you keep losing discs?

Papa Doc said...

That picture does not durprise me.
That is the way I thought see was all along. It must take some time in the makeup room to get her ready for the stage.

Hey, she would be about right for Ellen Degernerous.

Dad Clark

Jess and Jen said...

Adrianne, yes, I think I will. My L4-L5 wasn't degenerating 5 years ago but is now. I imagine it'll just go up the chain until I'm truly a short little man.

No, because Ellen is the butch in her relationship and Rosie is also the butch in her relationship. -Jess

Michelle said...

That picture is so gross, did you photoshop it or just come across it?