Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wretched Woman

Have you all heard about that Heather Armstrong chic there in Utah? I'm sure those of you living there have. She's got to be one of the most awful women I've heard of for a while! Perhaps I shouldn't say that. She's been on the Today show and Nightline recently. I happened to catch Nightline last night and was absolutely appalled with her. She's a "recovering" mormon (as she calls herself) who runs her own blog website (Dooce.com). She talks so openly about things that should be private. Her daughter will someday really hate that her life has been shared with so many strangers. It's one thing to chronicle your life online, but some things aren't meant to be shared. It's really sad because I can only imagine what her poor family has had to endure. Has she been on the news out there recently? Because she's been making quite a stink nationally. Even Kathy Lee Gifford hates what she does. And that's saying something.


Jason said...

I would not want to be in her shoes at Judgement Day.

Dave and Tana said...

What does she do? Being a "recovering" Mormon, does that mean she wants to come back or she's trying to get over having been a Mormon?
I haven't heard much about her. that's one thing about Utah -- they tend to ignore those who become famous through infamy and then they pour on the attention to those who become stars - David Archuletta for one. Utah seems to idolize anyone that gets to Hollywood (almost too sickening) but it seems they have basically ignored this nasty woman.

Dave and Tana said...

i wonder how mom posted something under my name. cool!

Jess and Jen said...

I saw her on a local TV show about her blog. She's in the news because her blog is very popular and gets a ton of traffic. She said once that she totally made fun of her parents and their religion (still Mormon) and it deeply offended them, so she doesn't poke particular fun at her parents anymore. But she is pretty open with what she writes about. -Jess

Papa Doc said...

Never heard of that one before. Kind of glad, from what you all say. I am sure glad that I do not want to recover. I want to die with the sickness of Mormanism in every cell.

Dad Clark

Jason said...

That wouldn't be a bad cause of death, would it?

Papa Doc said...

I didn't realize that David got on the blog here at my office the other day under his own account until this posted. I'm back under my own now. That's how it happened, Dave.

Jess and Jen said...

After doing some research, I'm not sure I'd call her a "wretched woman". Yeah, she's irreverent. But it can't be that bad because the LDS Church is one of the advertisers on her blog. I watched her Nightline interview and wasn't as blown away as Chelsey was. I thought the same thing when I watched her on the local ABC interview about a month ago.

chelsey said...

Why on earth would the church advertise on her blog? She cusses and is simply fowl. That's really disappointing to me! That's not how our church should be represented. Even if they advertise to hope that someone will click on it to get the truth about mormonism, it's wrong to be associated with something so negative.

Mike and Adrianne said...

I agree with Chelsey. If you read her profile she really does sound awful. I have someone on my blogroll that loves this woman. I had never looked at this lady's site until yesterday and now I don't even want to read the girl's blog that is on my blogroll. I'm not surprised she likes her because this girl can be pretty foul herself sometimes. Why would someone want to read a blog that is full of swearing, and talking of things that are inappropriate? She was interviewed once and was asked why she thought her blog was so popular. She said it was because there were so many women that could relate to her. I am not one of them! Her beliefs are completely different than mine and her response to life is negative and cynical.